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by rt staff writer
2 min read

ABC News Australia reported* in January 2022 that getting moving again after recovering from COVID-19 is no walk in the park and experts warn against pushing yourself too hard, too soon. Even those with peak levels of fitness who only suffer mild COVID-19 symptoms can be overcome with exhaustion and struggle to get moving after their infection.

Experts say a cautious re-entry into exercise is appropriate. The general consensus among exercise physicians is to wait at least seven days after you first experience symptoms to resume any form of exercise. But don't jump back in like you're qualifying for the Olympics. Instead, start with low- or light-intensity activities.

"This might be things like everyday activities — for example, housework, light garden tasks or gentle walking — for the first couple of weeks," says Selina Parry, senior lecturer at University of Melbourne's department of physiotherapy.

The West Australian newspaper** also reports that experts are urging people to take it slow to avoid jeopardising recovery.

“That doesn’t just apply to Covid – that’s for any infection that you get respiratory illness,” said Australian National University infectious diseases doctor Sanjaya Senanayake.

If you have had a positive rapid antigen test or PCR test and you’re asymptomatic, it’s still recommended to wait a week until after a rapid antigen or PCR test before hitting the gym.

“There’s still likely to be some virus circulating in your body at least in those first few days,” Associate Professor Senanayake adds.

Activities such as cardio or conditioning that get the heart racing should be avoided at first. After a few weeks, a light strength workout can help gradually the build the body back up again.

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*How to safely resume your exercise routine after recovering from COVID-19 - ABC News

** Experts offer tips on how to safely return to exercise after Covid | The West Australian

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